A good coach can change a game. A great coach can change a life. (John Wooden)
A recent research study answered that question with a resounding yes!
The researchers focused on the behavioral changes and outcomes resulting from an investment by organizations in employee coaching and mentoring. Their study proved that coaching and mentoring translates into real, measurable quantitative and qualitative organizational impact.
In this brief article, we explore the need for and value of businesses investing in professional coaching and mentoring of its leaders, managers and other employees.
Employee Well-Being
The outcomes of this study and my two decades of coaching and mentoring experience show that overall well-being of staff members is an increasingly relevant and necessary consideration in the modern workplace. From organizational ownership, leadership and management perspectives, employee well-being in all life dimensions is a major factor in their qualitative and quantitative performance...and thus, directly impact business profitability and longevity.
It is an accepted fact that when an employee’s well-being in any dimension is impaired, their work performance and effectiveness are affected. Job pressures involving deadlines, responsibilities, task complexity, challenge, relationships, supervision, etc., can all seriously impair well-being and productivity, especially if the individuals and organization fail to recognize and deal with the risks. Across a team or entire organization, if individual well-being is undermined, many key performance factors can turn negative.
For example:
- Increased mistakes and errors;
- Conflict (with colleagues and up-line/down-line management/subordinates);
- Grievance and disciplinary incidents;
- Sickness and absenteeism;
- Low morale and negative atmosphere;
- Poor customer service and quality;
- Resignations and job terminations (causing increased turnover and elevated recruiting and training costs); and
- Poor employer reputation among staff, customers, and potential prospects and new recruits.
The Role
A life coach or mentor is a professional who counsels, encourages and helps individuals transform their lives and careers from where they are to where they desire to be. The heart of life coaching and mentoring is providing a supportive relationship that can be the cornerstone of personal well-being and personal and professional growth. In that relationship, a coach and mentor collaborates with and facilitates individual learning by helping them identify and achieve future goals through various methods, including: assessment, discovery, reflection, goal-setting and strategic action.
Just as many find it easier to maintain exercise habits with a personal trainer, individuals find that partnering with a life coach or mentor helps them: gain clarity and perspective on their lives and careers, develop new skills, take risks, maintain motivation, adjust focus and do everything necessary to achieve and maintain overall well-being and set and move toward achievement of their important personal and professional goals.
While each of the important people in a person’s life plays a significant role, a life coach and mentor provides very unique value by helping their clients see themselves and identify their strengths, weaknesses, desires, talents and potential apart from the views and opinions of other people. This frees them to become a genuine difference-maker who leads a truly fulfilling and significant life and who maximizes their contribution to the goals of the organizations they work for.
Measurable Impacts
Overall the study showed a 5.7 times return on the initial investment by the organization in coaching and mentoring. That return included the following tangible and intangible organizational, team and individual employee benefits:
* Greater Productivity
* Enhanced Quality of Services
* Increased Organizational Strength
* Improved Customer Service
* Reduced Customer Complaints
* Increased Retention
* Significant Cost Reductions
* Better Bottom Line Profitability
* Greater Top Line Revenue
* Reduced Turnover
* Improved Relationships with Customers, Direct Reports, Immediate Supervisors and Peers
* Enhanced Teamwork
* Greater Job Satisfaction and Commitment to the Organization
* Speedier Conflict Reduction
Closing Comments
Everybody needs a coach. (Eric Schmidt, Past CEO of Google)
Understanding risks of stress and well-being to the individual and organization is an increasingly important employer responsibility. Life coaching and mentoring is a very successful means of addressing the risks and impairments of employee well-being...at all employee levels, including leaders, managers and individual team members. Unlike other training and development methodologies, coaching and mentoring digs deeper to identify and address the underlying beliefs and suppressed emotions that are unconsciously sabotaging personal, marriage, family and on the job relationships, productivity and effectiveness.
Coaching and mentoring is a win, win…giving employees access to an independent sounding board and counselor, while assuring an employer a trusted source who guides employees according to sound values and wise life, relationship and business principles that translate to significant quantitative and qualitative personal and organizational benefits.
About the Author
Cecil O. Kemp Jr. is the award-winning author of 27 books and a sought after leadership mentor, life coach and keynote inspirational speaker. Click here to learn more about him and to inquire about booking his services.
This blog post is a paraphrased excerpt from Cecil's new and critically acclaimed leadership book titled Follow The Leader (Timeless Truths of Genuinely DifferenceMaking Leadership). It is available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, other retail book stores and Cecil's online bookstore. Click here to learn more and purchase your copy: http://www.cecilkemp.com/store/